Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Adult Acne & Spots – What Is The Cause Of Adult Acne And How Do I Get Rid Of It Fast

When you reach your twenties and thirties you just don't expect to see spots and pimples erupting on your face/body. But when they do making sure that you know why and how to deal with them can be the difference between getting rid of them quick and spending years fighting to get rid of them again.

For many, you may have spent your teenage years fighting the battle against spots and acne only to find that it's back with a vengeance now you are a full grown adult. Perhaps you have never got rid of them at all since teenage years. Either way, the treatment is the same.

Let's begin with the causes of spots and acne. Each hair follicle has a gland in it which releases sebum, this is to coat the hair in a waterproof coating. Sometimes the glands can become overactive (hormones can cause this) and produce excessive amounts. When this happens the pore will become clogged with sebum.

When we add in some dead skin cells, which occur naturally on everyone, then throw in some bacteria, again found naturally on all of us. We have excellent conditions for spots and pimples.

Many people will first think that to get rid of dead skin cells that you need to scrub the face. This will remove much of the dead skin, it will also cause the pore to swell which will let in further amounts of bacteria and make it ripe for infection.

An important thing to remember is this. Do not over wash, you need the sebum and naturally released oils to keep skin healthy. Over washing will take away too much oil and can leave you in just as bad shape.

Another point to remember, it is important that you drink enough water. About 2 liters per day is great. Water is a fantastic natural detox for your body and will help flush through toxins out of your system.

I strongly suggest natural remedies before taking drug treatments for your acne or spots. Trying to fight the natural way will be much less stressful rather than having to worry about nasty side effects that the drug treatment will give you.

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