Friday, May 11, 2007

Management and Prevention of Adult Acne

Adolescence and teen-aged years are filled with friends, parties, and exciting school events, but it can also be overflowing with insecurities, self-doubt, and low self-esteem. Adding acne to this equation can make adolescents want to fast forward to their adult years where they are convinced their skin will be healthy and beautiful.

In some cases, individuals do outgrow acne and find the skin they dreamed about as a teenager. But, for others, skin afflictions continue in the form of adult acne. Adults are reminded of an acquaintance they would rather forget and left with their own adult insecurity, depression, anxiety, and frustration.

Adult acne is actually quite common, affecting fifty-percent of women and twenty-five percent of men sometime in their lives. By the time a person reaches their thirties, acne tends to disappear, but for some, the skin problems continue.

When an individual exhibits signs of acne after the age of twenty-five, they could be repeating a pattern they experienced in their younger years. Some individuals experience it during pregnancy or during their menstrual cycles. Others, who have gone their entire lives without ever experiencing a bout of acne, suddenly have an outbreak based on a myriad of reasons.

When a person suffers from adult acne, it is imperative that they be examined by a dermatologist who can recommend appropriate treatment options. During an exam the dermatologist will try to discover the root cause. Several factors can influence the onset including hormonal fluctuations, diet, environmental factors, medication, and stress, among others.

During a hormonal adult acne outbreak, women may be able to seek relief from over-the-counter medications or specific antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. Certain birth control pills have also been known to regulate a women's menstrual cycle and balance hormonal levels, thus lessening the risk of developing acne.

Developing a healthy skin care regime may also assist in managing a current outbreak or minimizing the risk of developing future outbreaks. A gentle cleanser combined with noncomedogenic skin care products designed to help keep skin clear, may minimize the oil on the skin's surface. It is also imperative to avoid the touching, squeezing, or popping of a blemish which can increase irritation and actually work to spread acne.

Those who suffer from adult acne may feel tempted to get a suntan in order to mask the appearance. Unfortunately, sun exposure does more to damage the skin than it does to clear it. Exposure to the sun can actually exacerbate it and put you at risk for the early onset of aging and the possible development of skin cancers.

Adults do not have to suffer in silence or feel embarrassed about the onset of adult acne. Doing the research, arming oneself with knowledge, and discussing options with a doctor will allow a sufferer to gain control of the situation and take matters into their own hands. Utilizing a healthy skin regimen and discussing concerns and treatment options with a doctor are first steps in the management and prevention of adult acne.

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