Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Types of Acne Treatments

Once you realize you have spots,which by itself can cause you great emotional distress, there is a choice of acne treatments from which to chose. Please note,an instant complete cure,is unlikely. These various methods have the aim of preventing new spots forming,to improve those present and reduce or even prevent scarring.

1 Home Treatment.

Keep the affected area clean,but do not over wash, as this could dry out the surface. Some natural oil needs to remain so the skin can maintain its natural condition.
Over-the-counter remedies. A number of the are available from pharmacies to treat a mild condition. Antibacterial agents such as benzoyl peroxide is normally the active component. Commercial Examples: Clearasil Max or Oxy.

The active antibacterial properties in benzoyl peroxide,encourage the skin to dry out. The surface layer becomes flakey and is shed. The overall effect of combining the antibacterial and dry out process,makes it harder for the the tiny pores or holes, to become blocked.

Benzoyl peroxide does have a downside. It may cause a reddening of the area or peeling,usually at the start of application. Moderate use can reduce some of the effects so they are less notable.

It can take a long time for these home applications to work,weeks or even months before a noticeable positive result is seen. Please see your doctor if after 2 months self application has not worked or you have severe acne.

2 Prescription medicines

Your Doctor may start by prescribing a benzoyl peroxide preparation. If this is unsuccessful,or a more sever type,there are other options available. One type, you rub onto the surface. Another is the tablet form. So lets see what these typical applications are.

3 Topical or rub on.

Here some of the more common prescribed applications.
Skinoren or azelaic acid, is one alternative to benzoyl peroxide. This may be kinder to your skin as well.
Rub on retinoids are based on vitamin A,such as Adapalene. This encourages the outer surface layer to flake off.

Also a rub on antibiotic lotion. When used,the lotion has a controlling effect on P.acnes bacteria. Example Dalacin T. Around six months is normally given for a course of medication.

Other preparations that use both antibiotic and other medication are also available. Benzamycin uses an antibiotic and benzoyl peroxide.

4 Oral or tablet.

A number of tablet alternatives you may be prescribed are as follows.

Antibiotics in tablet form,like tetracycline,are normally prescribed against an inflammatory condition. Usually taken for a period of three months or so,yet benefits may take any where from four to six months to be seen. Common antibiotics can interferer and cause a resistance to build up in the bacteria ,so effecting a successful outcome.

Contraceptive tablets can help women who have acne. A mix of ethinylestradiol,the normal pill hormone and cyproterone acetate,suppresses male hormone activity and is often used with women who have breakout's of spots.

An oral retinoid can be used. An example here is Roaccutane,an isotretinoin,which can be used in tablet form. Isotretinoin dry's up the oily secretions and is normally used with people who have an acute or severe forms. Side effects are known to exist with particular acne treatments,so use should only be under medical supervision.

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